
The cards “The gifts of each essence” are based on the wisdom of the enneagram and contain for each of the essences (9 essences) 10 phrases inspired by the conferences, workshops, courses of Roberto Perez that make up an invaluable material of a depth and richness that allows us to enter into the deep areas of our consciousness that guide us towards a life in fullness, harmony and inner wisdom. The phrases allow us to approach the most representative themes of each essence of the Enneagram. In this way, you will be able to observe that in each card, you will find the name of the essence and in its upper part the corresponding number, that is to say:

  1. The Organizer
  2. The Servant
  3. The Realizer
  4. The Creator
  5. The Observer
  6. The Collaborator
  7. The Animator
  8. The Fighter
  9. The Peacemaker

In this way a variety of themes that encompass the main ideas of each of the attributes of our personality are brought together by essence.

I want to share with you that having studied the Enneagram generated a profound change of consciousness in my life. When I understood the topics addressed in the Enneagram courses taught by Dr. Roberto Perez, I realized that I had a long way to go, disintegrated or wounded aspects of my personality that were causing me anguish, relational problems and above all, lack of fulfillment. By working on my essence and accompanied by other tools, I was able to integrate, heal and improve my personal wellbeing. The enneagram is not a test, it is an ancestral wisdom that is kept alive, it is energy that shows me where I need to focus in order to, as Roberto says, “play my instrument in tune” that is to say, to develop my essence to the maximum.

That is why in this deck, I summarized those phrases that from my point of view touch on issues that seek not only to leave a teaching or a beautiful phrase, but to motivate your curiosity to investigate, search, reflect, share, rethink what makes sense to you and you want to work. There are no better or worse, good or bad phrases, but reflections that invite you to look deep inside yourself.

Thank you!

To whom are these letters addressed?

To anyone interested in personal development with or without experience in the wisdom of the Enneagram, to adults and children, to coaches, psychologists, councelours, psychotherapists, specialists/facilitators in personal/professional development and above all to lovers of life and learning.

What are these cards used for?

These cards are an excellent opportunity to work with your consultants/clients as well as with yourself and/or friends, family, partner, colleagues on the following:

  • Incorporate and apply new concepts to promote personal awareness.
  • Work in personal development groups around a theme or group of themes and generate learning.
  • Work with adolescents and encourage and motivate values.
  • Understand new distinctions that broaden our view of ourselves and the world.
  • Encourage dialogue and interaction in family, work and social encounters.
  • To focus on those aspects that we judge necessary to deepen, continue working and integrating.
  • To work in Enneagram sessions and/or courses in a dynamic and playful way on each attribute.
  • To playfully learn the various themes around each essence of the Enneagram.

Technical specifications

1 matchbox with 90 cards


Size 12,1cm x 8,2cm x 3,7cm

The external cover is made with a 390 grams material made of triplex cardboard and the lid is hot laminated with a glossy finish of 32 microns polypropylene, which facilitates the protection of the material against external agents such as dust, humidity, heat, dirt, among others. Cleaning is very simple and easy with a damp cloth without any inconvenience.

The internal part of the box has 2 reinforced walls and the material is 780 gr. giving it firmness, resistance and an excellent quality and finish.


Printed on 350 gsm imported matte illustration paper, measures 7.50 x 11.50 cm with rounded tips, with matte polypropylene front and back.


Made in paper work 1ra. Extra white 80grams

*Only available in Spanish