
The cards of “A message, a possibility” are basically inspired by phrases of Roberto Perez from his courses, conferences, many of which were adapted/modified, as well as phrases of my own authorship and of course from other authors whose rights are reserved. It was born with the idea of getting a message, a guide, some words of encouragement when you need it, whatever the circumstances you are living. All you have to do is close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths and connect with a deep intention to get a message that assists you (without putting words, explanations to what happens to you) and then, draw a card. I deeply believe that we are connected to something beyond our mind, beyond our thoughts and that we are always accompanied or at least I experience it that way. In the moment of calamity, of despair sometimes a message can open up a world of possibilities. When you get the sentence, don’t judge it, give the message a chance, even if it is not “the right solution” or even if you think that “it doesn’t make sense”, that’s your ego that loves explanations. Just get the message, thank who you believe in and enjoy. Also, you can draw a card at the beginning of your day, asking beforehand a question like: What am I going to learn this day? or at the end of your day ask: What did this day teach me? The important thing is that you can connect with a purpose, with an intention and you can take the message that has come to you as a guide as a reflection to collaborate in your life learning.

To whom are these cards addressed?

Therapists, coaches, counselors, psychologists, facilitators of personal and/or professional development processes and/or the general public interested in personal/professional development.

What are these cards used for?

These cards are an excellent opportunity to work with your consultants/clients as well as with yourself and/or friends, family, partner, colleagues, among others:

  • Start and close a session in a creative, innovative, dynamic and different way.
  • Generation of contexts
  • Reflection and self-exploration according to the resonance of each message in the consultant.
  • Generate playful spaces that allow to gradually enter into deeper reflective and emotional processes.
  • Accompany to expand the observer we are being of this reality through reflection, the generation of new questions according to a given message.
  • Work with groups in workshops, seminars and/or activities.
  • Connect with oneself and/or with other people using the content of the cards as a “bridge”.
  • Co-constructing knowledge in groups and fostering relevant conversations
  • Encourage sharing with others when topics of conversation are scarce or there is no climate for nourishing conversations.

Technical specifications

1 matchbox with 90 cards


Size 12,1cm x 8,2cm x 3,7cm

The external cover is made of a 390 grams material made of triplex cardboard and the lid is hot laminated with a glossy finish of 32 microns polypropylene, which facilitates the protection of the material against external agents such as dust, humidity, heat, dirt, among others. Cleaning is very simple and easy with a damp cloth without any inconvenience.

The internal part of the box has 2 reinforced walls and the material is 780 gr. giving it firmness, resistance and an excellent quality and finish.


Printed on 350 grams imported matte illustration paper, measuring 7.50 x 11.50 cm with rounded tips, with matte polypropylene front and back.


Made in paper work 1ra. Extra white 80 grams.

*Only available in Spanish